Towards a reconception of business

This ongoing pandemic has highlighted the errors of the functioning of our economic system, particularly shedding light on the various inequalities.

Business and Society Research in Times of the Corona Crisis

Given the unprecedented and unique nature of this context, each of these issues– the nature of problems at the intersection of business and society, the differential effects of crises on individuals, businesses, and societies, and their varied understandings and responses – contain in them a range of theoretical puzzles and research questions.

What is the Answer?

Recently, in my undergraduate Ethics and Social Responsibility course, a student relayed her experience of studying abroad in a multi-discipline setting. Most of the other students in the program were from non-business settings, such as political psychology, pre-law, sociology, philosophy, language, and other courses. From comments made during the course, she had the distinct impression […]

Most Read: The Evolution of CSR

On the publisher’s page for our journal, Business & Society, lists are kept for the most read and most cited articles. Most of the ‘most read’ articles are those published in the last three or four years. But not the most read article. That honor belongs to Archie Carroll, who’s article Corporate Social Responsibility: Evolution […]

Publishing in Business & Society

To get things started here at our new blog, we want to take a moment and highlight a recent Editorial article in which we discussed twelve key tips that will help you get your article published in Business & Society. Submissions to quality journals, including ours, continues to climb. In 2015 we received a record […]