How More Women in the Boardroom Make a Company More Competitive
Our research analyzed how female board members impact a firm’s strategic actions that are seen as a precursor to competitive advantage and financial success. More specifically, we examined how the presence of female board members impacts a firm’s competitive repertoire – i.e., the types of competitive actions that a firm takes over time.
COVID-19 highlights the importance of legitimacy of data partnerships
The pandemic and resulting public-private responses and collaborations and consequent debates have highlighted the importance of, and need for, understanding and managing legitimacy when designing data partnerships.
Creating integrative value through collaborative sustainable business models
We examined four large cross-sector partnerships for community sustainability to understand the perceived value of resources to the participating organizations, as well as their implemented structural features.
When Do Investors Prefer to Invest in Benefit Corporations?
Publicly traded benefit corporations represent an attractive investment alternative to U.S. investors.
Can You Hear Me Now? Grassroots Organizations’ Paradoxical Influence Strategies
What makes GROs able to punch above their weight in influencing large corporations?
Organisations of the World, Collaborate!
Concerted action is a prerequisite for the future development of sustainability-driven business models. A new special issue of Business & Society focuses on how organisations work across sectors to build collaborative solutions to complex sustainability challenges.
‘Sorry, we screwed up’ – Managing investor reactions with sustainability legitimation strategies
Companies disclosing negative sustainability incidents often employ legitimation strategies to present mishaps in a favorable light. We found that symbolic legitimation, i.e., evasively explaining negative incidents, cannot counter divestments. Only substantial legitimation does, i.e., when a company reports on concrete measures and behavioral changes in morally charged situations.
Embrace Reason—Reject CSR Groupthink
In decisions about corporate social responsibility and sustainability, think like an economist.
Does CSR Lead to Financial Performance? The Role of Institutional Environment
Our study systematically reviews and quantifies the CSR-CFP link. We proposed that CSR behaviors are more likely to lead to CFP in the developed world because of its relatively mature institutional system and efficient market mechanism that allows such CSR to be more visible.
The why and how of evaluating cross-sector partnerships for sustainability
With a growing number of cross-sector partnerships between companies and nonprofit organizations (NPOs), such partnerships increasingly need to be evaluated to inform managerial decisions and document success. We show how firms formalize their evaluation practices – sometimes together with their NPO partners.